Cracked Dumps for Salesforce Certified Business Analyst Exam
Salesforce Certified Business Analyst exam information is useful in your preparation. There are 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions. Each candidate has 105 minutes to finish the test. The required passing score for the Salesforce Certified Business Analyst exam is 72%. The registration fee is $200, and the retake fee is $100. Our latest Salesforce Certified Business Analyst exam dumps are your best material. Free Salesforce Certified Business Analyst exam dumps are below.
Comments (2)
Hi team,
I want to have Salesforce Business Analyst exam questions. Can you provide me the latest questions / dumps ?
I have exam on 31st July. And if I want to buy, what would be the prices ?
Thank you!!
Yes, we will provide you the latest certified Business Analyst dumps. It is $26.99. you can purchase it from the following link:
If you have any other questions, plz contact us. Thank you.